Sunday, November 21, 2010

"I don't like athletics after all,"I said to myself quietly.We lined up, Horim first, Joyce second, then myself,".I hate shotput,"I said to Joyce, Joyce only giggled.As we moved closerup, the closer I got to the shotput."I seriously dont want to do it,"I said nevously to Joyce but to late it was Joyce's turn.I had snakes in my tummy already.
As I got up I picked up the heaviest ball I had picked up in my life.I picked up the ball and put the cold, hard ball below my ear on my neak. I pushed as hard as I could. I t didn't go that high.
When everybody had a turn i looked at the sheet. There was a big 1st by my name."Joyce,Joyce I got1st," I said happily 'It doesn't surpriseme,'."Athletics wasn't bad after all,".

By Kainoa Hemi

Monday, November 15, 2010

Boys and girls

everywhere you look you can almost see little girls play with their hair or little boys yelling and saying: "my car is faster than your car."When i was a little girl I always had to dress up, even just to play outside with my friends.

When i was six I wanted to be a princess, no I wanted to be a fairy princess.I had to be a princess or a fairy, but mostly a fairy princess. Boys on the other hand are very different from girls. Boys are into cars, sports, nearly all boys are the same. In other words, boyish.

Girls are into princesses, their true love or playing with their hair. When we grow older our attitude and our personalities change When boys get older their interest change too. One minute they like cars and the next minute they are into vampires and the boggy-monster. This is the same with girls one minute they are into their hair, then suddenly they are into trying to be pretty for boys.

Just remember you and I were children once, boy or girl.

By Kelly Rogers\Kainoa Hemi

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In Japanese we did a video (shaynia and I) and I think that I did well because I said the words properly.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What i learnt at life education or the Harold bus was mostly about drugs and alcohol.I think that 'p' is the worst drug or at least one of the worst drugs on the planet.It was in my opinion was really scary and it was kind of freaky in a way, but we need to know about this stuff so we'll be ready when it happens. Apart from the freaky stuff it was okay( no affence to people who love Harold).But i really liked the song that Harold sang with big G or something like that.It was so freaky because in the last time that were going to see Harold they sang us(rm 7) a song like i said before.Michelle Williams the one that was responsible for Harold coming here anyways i'm glad that they came,so back to the story yea she was the one that was teaching us all of this things that i've said in my story so far.In think the most dangerous thing on the planet is drugs or smokes.It was really scary when we were watching the video's, the people that tried the drugs that we were learning about.And remmber i'm Harold's number one fan plus i'm awesome.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Science fair

it has been really hard to do our question so me and joyc did what colour of light is more benifical to a plant when there temperture is 10 degrees celcius.