Sunday, November 21, 2010

"I don't like athletics after all,"I said to myself quietly.We lined up, Horim first, Joyce second, then myself,".I hate shotput,"I said to Joyce, Joyce only giggled.As we moved closerup, the closer I got to the shotput."I seriously dont want to do it,"I said nevously to Joyce but to late it was Joyce's turn.I had snakes in my tummy already.
As I got up I picked up the heaviest ball I had picked up in my life.I picked up the ball and put the cold, hard ball below my ear on my neak. I pushed as hard as I could. I t didn't go that high.
When everybody had a turn i looked at the sheet. There was a big 1st by my name."Joyce,Joyce I got1st," I said happily 'It doesn't surpriseme,'."Athletics wasn't bad after all,".

By Kainoa Hemi

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