Monday, June 7, 2010

Science fair

it has been really hard to do our question so me and joyc did what colour of light is more benifical to a plant when there temperture is 10 degrees celcius.


  1. You know how you said that there is Cellophane at Warehouse stationary? Well I went there today but I only saw like four colours, then I went to Briscoe right next door and there was a way larger variety of colours. So I'm buying my colours over there, do you know where we could buy the spray paint?

  2. Ur glue kind of faild so I used acctual super glue and it worked. I've still got ur popsicle sticks, when do u want to come pick it up?

  3. hello joyce yes it has been ages since it has been the scienece fair im awesome bye
